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National Strategic Partnership for Sports Equity Research

The provisionally named 'National Strategic Partnership for Sports Equity Research' (NPSER is a new partnership being coordinated by WSF to help drive forward a more coordinated approach to equity research, and ensure relevant research is carried out to inform and support organisations in delivering equitable sport.

The partnership has come about as a result of the recent formation of Sports Equity Alliance (SEA) (which includes WSF, Sporting Equals and English Federation of Disability Sport). The Equity Partners will now work collective, under the auspices of the SEA, on seven key drivers - with research being one of these drivers.

The role of the new NSPSER is to shape the research programme that the SEA carries out and commissions; provide advice and expertise; and help to ensure the highest standards are being applied to the research process and methodologies used. Key researchers have been identified who work in sport and academia who have experience in carrying out gender, ethnicity and disability research and can bring their expertise to the partnership. There will also be a wider list of 'interested parties' who we will consult with and communicate our ongoing projects (A full list of key partners' and 'interested parties' be included here once the final list has been agreed).

Once the terms of reference and full memberships of the group has been formalised, the partnership will be tasked with agreeing the research strategy and research programme for the next three years, establishing gaps in research and commissioning its first project.

If you would like further information on the new partnership or have ideas about research gaps that need investigating, please contact Chris Lillistone at .


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