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Other equity research
Follow the links below for more information about external sports research resources. You may also find more useful references in our section on research centres.
- English Federation Disability Sport research
- Sporting Equals Research
- Sport England
- Sports Council for Wales
- Sportscotland
- Women's Sports Foundation USA
- Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport
Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles (AAFLA) hosts a searchable site and, among other things, has a brilliant 'Virtual Archive Online', which allows you to search and access articles from the following journals: Journal of Sport History, Sporting Traditions: The Journal of the Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH), ASSH Bulletin and Studies in Sports History, Olympika, Olympic Research Symposium Proceedings, Sport Management Review, Journal of Olympic History, Olympic Games official reports from 1896 to 1984, Olympic Review and Revue Olympique.
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