News.WOMENS SPORTS FOUNDATION NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTIONNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Annual General Meeting of Womens Sports Foundation to be held at CCPR, Francis Street, London SW1P1DE on 25 November, 2003 at 1 pm the following resolution will be proposed as a Special Resolution: That the Memorandum and Articles of Association be and are hereby amended as follows: 1. To change the Memorandum of Association by- (a) renumbering sub-clause 3(C) as new clause 4 and the consequential re-numbering of the existing remaining clauses 4 to 8 as clauses 5 to 9; and (b) the addition as new sub-clause 4(a) of the following clause and the consequential re-lettering of the existing remaining sub-clauses (a) to (p) as sub-clauses (b) to (q): "to promote and influence sports policy, practice and culture in the United Kingdom for the benefit of all women and girls". 2. That the rules and regulations contained in the printed document annexed hereto and marked "A" be and are hereby adopted as the new Articles of Association of the Company. Dated: 28th October 2003 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Director Registered office: 305 - 315 Hither Green Lane, Lewisham, London, SE13 6TJ
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