Fundraising ideas

Pedal in the Park

Start Fundraising!

The target for this year's event is £50,000 and if everyone raises at least £50.00 we will be able to achieve this and help WellChild help to get sick children better.

Raising sponsorship money is the start of the fun and we have listed below some fundraising ideas for you:

Top Fundraiser

As a thank you, (and an incentive), the top fundraiser will be presented with a top of the range Specialized bike worth £499.99, kindly donated by our event sponsors, Specialized. See terms and conditions.


A sponsorship form will be sent in each information pack, or if you would like to get started early please download a form here [Adobe Acrobat Document].

A pound a mile or £5 to complete the distance from friends and family, your aerobics class or on a night out all helps makes a difference to children's lives.

When using the sponsorship form, please remind everyone eligible to tick the "Gift Aid Box" as we can claim the tax back on all donations, that's an additional 28p on every pound that is given.

On-line Sponsorship

By creating your own online sponsorship page you can extend your reach to distant family, friends and work colleagues.

To set up your own 'webpage' visit and click on 'Raise Money'. Follow the step by step instructions and tailor your page with a personal message and photo.

The site will provide you with a website address that you can email to your contact address book and your sponsors can log onto the page and make a donation by credit or debit card 24 hours a day.

Raffle Tickets

As part of the fundraising pack, we will send all participants a book of raffle tickets as part of their fundraising activities. There are some great prizes, which have been donated by our event supporters, including a Specialized bike, a 4 megapixel camera, 2 x three-month family memberships to the Hatfield Next Generation Raquet, Health and Fitness Club, a pair of Hi-tec Silver Shadow Running Shoes and a one year membership to the London Cycling Canpaign. See terms and conditions for details of prizes.