Pedal in the Park

Preparing for the day


On the day


Preparing for the day

Q I want to enter with a team of friends and our daughters who are aged 16 or 17 can we enter?

A Yes. Participants entering individually must be 18 years of age or over on the day of the event, however participants aged between 16 and 18 years of age may enter as part of a team (as long as there is at least one adult aged over 18).

Q Is there an upper age limit?

A No. All that we ask is that any participant unsure of their physical ability to take part in Pedal in the Park should take medical advice from a general practitioner prior to the event.

Q I don't drive but live too far away to cycle — can I get to the venue by public transport?

A Cheshunt station is a 10-minute cycle ride from the start and finish site. Full details of how to get to the venue are listed on the 'Getting here' page.

Q I haven't ridden a bike for twenty years? Can I still enter?

A Absolutely ! This event is just for you. It may be advisable to try a few short rides before the event but it's not a race against the clock but a fun and safe way for you to find out how enjoyable cycling is and to hopefully start you cycling regularly.

Q I really want to take part but don't have a bike?

A No bike. No problem! We have arranged for participants to be able to hire bikes and helmets through the local YHA on site. For details see 'Event information'.

Q Can I bring my children to ride with me?

A We are able to allow small children travelling in either child seats or in tag-a-longs to accompany the participating rider. Due to health and safety reasons we are unable to allow independant riders (eg, children on seperate bikes) to take part this year. We would ask riders with tag-a-longs and/or baby seats to be aware that there are some uneven surfaces and sharp corners on the route and that riders with tag-a-alongs should let 'single' riders commence the ride first.

However remember, there will be a host of other activities that your family members can do when you are cycling as well as supporting you! — See 'Event information' for more details.

Q Can my dog run alongside me?

A For health and safety reasons, we cannot allow any pets to participate.

Q Will you send me information in advance?

A Once you have entered, we will send you by post (please allow 14 days for delivery) your Event Information Pack and participant rider number for you to wear on the day. All other communication will be forwarded to you by e-mail.

Q What do I do if I loose my participant rider number?

A If you realise prior to the event, let us know and we can arrange for another number to be sent in advance. If you cannot find your number on the day, the information point on the day will check your entry and issue you with an alternative number.


Q Do I have to collect sponsorship? Is there a minimum I must collect?

A We are asking all participants to try and raise as much sponsorship money as possible. Our target is to raise £50,000. That's just £50 per person if 1,000 riders take part. Please see our fundraising page for some great ideas.

Q Where does my sponsorship and entry fee money go?

A The designated charities for the event are WellChild and the Women's Sports Foudation. WellChild will receive 75% of all the money raised through sponsorship to help sick children get better. The remaining 25% of sponsorship money and the entry fees will help the Women's Sports Foundation work to improve and promote sporting opportunities for women and girls in sport and physical activity.

Q Why is gift aid so important?

A If your sponsors are UK taxpayers, the Government's Gift Aid Scheme allows us to collect tax back on their pledge. All we need is for you to make sure that each sponsor ticks the box on your form and clearly completes their full name and home address including postcode. Then we claim an extra 28% of your contribution from the Government. That means for every £100 you raise, the Government gives us nearly 28% more. We must have a copy of your sponsor form to claim Gift Aid.

Q If I enter a 'Team' am I responsible for the whole team's sponsorship money or can we each pay in separately?

A You can pay either all in one go or individually. If making one team payment, please make sure you clearly note the names and numbers of all the participants on the form.

Q Can I take part in the event but donate my sponsorship to an alternative charity?

A No. The rules of the event state that each participant is legally responsibile to ensure that all sponsorship monies/donations received by you for Pedal in the Park are paid to the Women's Sports Foundation, who will donate the appropriate money to WellChild.

On the Day

Q Is there somewhere that I can park my car?

A There is a designated free of charge car park on site. Details are listed on the 'Getting here' page.

Q Can I enter on the day?

A There will be a limited number of on the day entries available as long as capacity numbers are not reached before event day.

Q When is the latest you can start the race?

A The event will start at 11am with the first wave of cyclists. To ensure the safe departure of all participants, we will start approximately 100 riders at a time in short intervals. All riders should have started within 10 minutes of the start time.

Q Roughly how long will it take to complete the course?

A We would expect the majority of casual riders to complete the course in between 1.5 and 2.5 hours. But remember — it's not a race… you can take your time.

Q Does the course go on any public roads with traffic?

A No. The course is wholly within the River Lee Country Park and will use pathways and towpaths only.

Q How will I know which way to go?

A There will be course signage and marshals at all key junctions to ensure you cannot get lost.

Q Will there be any other activities available?

A Yes. Our event partners will be available on site to provide you with cycling and activity information.

Q Will there be any refreshments?

A Each rider will be provided with water on completion of the course. There will also be catering on site providing a variety of food and beverages for you to purchase.


Q How can I get in touch with someone if I have further questions?

A You can e-mail your questions to or ring 01245 328 303 and ask to speak to a Pedal in the Park advisor.

Q Can I be a volunteer for the Pedal in the Park?

A Yes. We are looking for a team of volunteers to help us with the set up and on the day delivery of the event. Please register you interest by e-mailing or calling Natalie on 01245 328 303.